Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Read/Listen to Romans!!

You should read Romans all the way through. It will answer a lot of your questions. I would also recommend a sermon series to go along with it. Sermon series are perfect for commuting. You're in the car/train any way might as well redeem the time.
A few good ones would be:
-- Phil Smuland from my church in College: http://www.cov-pres.org/teaching/Romans.php This was really the sermon series that awakened my love for the word and the Lord. Downside is it's like 96 sermons.
-- Tommy Nelson from a church called Denton Bible in Texas. I really like Tommy's teaching style: http://dbcmedia.org/sermons/romans-complete-mp3-series/ This one is only 49 messages
-- R.C. Sproul is pretty big/famous theologian: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/sermons/?scripture=5 I like R.C. A lot too. This is about 60 sermons give or take.

Seriously. Listen to sermons, read Romans. Know who God is. You won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Someone pointed out that I forgot MacArthur's series:

    You have to click on the Romans link.
