Thursday, November 5, 2009


A friend of mine suggested I listen to Todd Friel's Wretched Radio. He's a Christian evangelist that preaches the gospel by giving law to the proud and grace to the humble. His premise is that, this combination worked great for Jesus, so why shouldn't we use it.

The first thing I listened to was Terrified! (only costs $6!!) An MP3 CD with 20 some odd witness encounters all designed to teach how to share the Law with people to get them to realize how desperately they (and I) need Jesus, instead of their (and my) own filthy works. I started listening to the encounters, and after the first couple I was so convicted about how proud I am, and how I always seek to be served by my law keeping instead of falling on the Grace of our Lord. I'm not saying I was re-converted, just reminded that I am desperate for grace too.

Now I can't stop listening to Todd. All the encounters are encouraging and challenging and convicting to get me to witness too. I know all the answers that Todd gives to the questions people ask and I have the big Ace, the Holy Spirit, so its not like I'm not qualified. Its just that I'm scared plain and simple. Where is my courage?

Oh Lord please give me courage to talk of you to others. And not just strangers, but the people I actually care about.

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