Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oswald Nails It

Don't know if you've ever read "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers before or not. It's a great devotional. Recently I discovered that someone has put up a site hosting all the days of the book. They even have an RSS feed.

Today's entry is: Sacred Service.
The line that jumps out and grabs me is:

"If we simply preach the effects of redemption in the human life instead of the revealed, divine truth regarding Jesus Himself, the result is not new birth in those who listen."

What a rebuke to the arrogant parts of my life that want to point out how great my life is, and how people should follow Jesus so they can be like me. Equally this is a warning to me, not to preach a 'self-help' religion where I hear that people are suffering and I offer them the Savior as a solution to that suffering. Of course, I'm not saying that Jesus doesn't help in our time of need. But what I am saying is that He came and died for so much more. He came to save us from the wrath of the Father that we had earned. And besides, He may not think it's best to remove some affliction from us in a particular season.

Instead I should focus on the supremacy of Christ. His matchless splendor. His amazing grace. His unending kindness. And let that kindness lead to repentance.

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