Sunday, April 12, 2009

Finding the Right Spouse is Tricky

Proverbs 21:9,19
9It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
19It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.

I remember reading these verses before I was married and thinking they were just funny. After seven years of marriage, I realize they are essential! Looking back on my decision process for selecting my wife, I never would have considered all the attributes that she brings to the table. Don't get me wrong, the attributes of a great spouse (kindness, wisdom, forgiveness, gentleness, financial strength, parenting love, etc...) were in her at the time, I just didn't know to look for them. Despite my poor calculations, the Grace of God led us together in marriage.

In particular, these 2 verses warn of a quarrelsome spouse. Sharing your life with someone, includes daily sharing physical things, parenting schemes, and emotional burdens. Quarreling about those topics would make life unlivable. As unlivable as if you lived on a tiny corner of your roof exposed to the hot summer sun, and freezing winter rains. Or if you lived in a miserable dry-land with no water to feed your crops or your parched throat.

If your perspective spouse is always trying to stir up quarrels or induce more stress through stubbornness, then run fleeing for the hills and seek the Lord for someone else.

Praise the Lord my wife is humble and Christ-minded. She is a model of Godliness that my children and I can follow as we pursue Jesus together.


  1. I think you are the best. Everything about you points directly to Christ. And that is why I love to be with you.

  2. Doug
    I totally agree with you about this. It is really true just how vital the choice of my mate has been. I am continually amazed by God's graciousness to me in the woman that he has given to me. Could not agree more that I think we tend to look for some things but often miss the value of character and integrity. Again it points to the shortsightedness of our culture. I could not agree with you more that I am also a blessed man to have won such a prize as the wife God has given me.
