Here's a quick video (9 minutes) from Mark Driscoll, (of Mars Hill). His main points are:
1) A healthy church plant will have a lead man who is well qualified, and really more soldierly than pastoral in the early stages of his church.
2) A healthy church plant will have a mission to turn men into leaders in the church by discipling and training them how to be men of God, who care for their families and lead others to Christ.
3) A healthy church plant is all about the message: sharing about a man, Jesus, who was on a mission, to die for mankind, and redeem them from judgement.
I pray that my church would watch this video change to emulate Driscoll's teaching.
I pray that I could watch this video and change to reflect its truth.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
JQA sets the standard for faithful service
"On the integrity of my Intentions, and on the aid of that Gracious Heaven which never has deserted me, I must rely. I pray for clearness of intellectual vision to see the right path - for the necessary courage to pursue it; and for the Fortitude and the Temperance to bear with equanimity the vicissitudes of its Fortunes, whether adverse or propitious. Grant, O God, that I may do good to my Country and to Mankind! And deal with me, and mine, if it be thy gracious will, in Mercy."
John Quincy Adams 11 July 1809 Quoted from: the MHS beehive blog.
I pray the same for me in my service to my family and my job. I know our early country had a lot of issues to deal with. But hearing the Godly way that the Adams family trusted in the Lord for sustenance and success, makes me long that our current leaders would be able to openly express their trust in He who is able as well.
I look forward to meeting the Adams family and praising the Lord for eternity with them.
John Quincy Adams 11 July 1809 Quoted from: the MHS beehive blog.
I pray the same for me in my service to my family and my job. I know our early country had a lot of issues to deal with. But hearing the Godly way that the Adams family trusted in the Lord for sustenance and success, makes me long that our current leaders would be able to openly express their trust in He who is able as well.
I look forward to meeting the Adams family and praising the Lord for eternity with them.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Overcome People's Assumptions (even my own)
Just finished watching GATTACA again. I've always liked this movie for its portrayal of Vincent and his desire to overcome what everyone in his life thought he was incapable of. It encourages me to work hard, to not give up, to be remembered for the people I've impacted and how they have changed the world, not to be remembered just for myself.
May God fulfill His plans by using me. I want my life to count for something. I want to reflect something greater than myself. In fact, not just some personless thing, but the Person. I know God is the ultimate expression of perfection and glory. I want to hitch my cars to His train. I want to submit to Jesus' leading. To go where He calls, no matter the cost.
Oh Lord, give me the strength to abandon my grip on my life.
Its yours anyway....
May God fulfill His plans by using me. I want my life to count for something. I want to reflect something greater than myself. In fact, not just some personless thing, but the Person. I know God is the ultimate expression of perfection and glory. I want to hitch my cars to His train. I want to submit to Jesus' leading. To go where He calls, no matter the cost.
Oh Lord, give me the strength to abandon my grip on my life.
Its yours anyway....
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Return to Passion
I'll spare you the locational details but this morning in church I heard and was impacted by an amazing sermon. Some may say that preaching has no effect and that we should minimize its place in our services. THEY ARE WRONG!!!
The preacher, was a young man, probably the same age as me (early 30's). He has the same problem that everyone my age has: We're caught between being young enough to be a radical thinker with great ideas, but fearful of delivering them b/c the audience is mostly older than us and probably doesn't believe anything us young punks think or say.
He preached about Acts 8, where the church is dispersed from Jerusalem b/c of the persecution that breaks out after Stephen is stoned. Phillip goes to Samaria and people get saved. (Incidentally, I bet Phil was surprised. These were Samaritans after all... ;). One of those saved is Simon the Great. He's a local magician and these apostles who show up are showing power that blows the doors off his 'tricks'. When the Holy Spirit starts coming to people, as a result of John & Peter's prayers, Simon tries to buy the ability to share the Holy Spirit with others. Peter blasts him for it. But is a little soft in the end, giving Simon a chance to repent. Simon realizes what he's done and asks for them (John and Peter) to pray for him.
The preacher used this story as a launchpad to show us that we are lacking in passion for Christ which drives us to do/say foolish things like Simon did. Simon didn't have brokenness and recognition of personal sin, which led to his foolishness. Like Simon, when we see real power, we realize that we long for more than just weekly Sunday attendance and avoidance of 'big sins'.
I know that's the cry of my heart.
The preacher than said that people in any given church service can be categorized in 4 categories.
1) Unbelief - This is people who are in the service but don't actually believe that they are sinners, and that that sin separates them from a wrathful, righteously judging God, who through His mercy provided His Son as a sacrifice to satisfy his justice and provide a way for us to commune with him. (By the way if this is you, please come to Christ. Suffering God's punishment for eternity is going to suck worse than you know)
2) Belief without heart - People who believe in God but don't follow Jesus with their whole heart. Its funny how most of us who grew up in church, heard over and over that we needed to follow the rules, but really Jesus spends most of His time in the Gospels pursuing people's hearts. The preacher didn't say these people weren't Christians, but I don't know if they really are or not. Remember in James 2, James says that even the demons believe.
3) Denial - (this is where I float around in a lot) We do stuff like lead Bible study and attend church and think that that makes us passionate for God. Its based on our desire to be in control and safe. It shows up in our lives where we are confident in our 401k plans and our ability to raise our kids or love our wives. We often realize that "gee if I just stopped believing in God, my life would be pretty much the same, since He doesn't make me do anything crazy". ---- This is so me lately. I'm happy and safe in my home and with my wife and kids. All around me people are literally dying and loosing jobs and getting cancer. I tell myself I'll help them until their life gets too 'real' and then I retreat back to my shell. After all, "I don't want to get any on me, then I'd have to feel their pain too." It makes my life so much more boring. It makes my passion for Christ so much less b/c I don't need Him for anything. I don't feel my need of His help with situations that I have no control over, since I don't allow myself to be in those situations.
4) Passion - This is where I want to be. I want to give everything I do to God. I want my work to be not just earning a paycheck or an opportunity to move up the ladder. I want God to be honored with what I spend my time doing from 9 - 5. I want to be someone who cares more about the kingdom of God than shielding myself from pain.
Join me in being Passionate. Respond to the Glorious God who has saved you, with devotion and freedom to worship.
The preacher, was a young man, probably the same age as me (early 30's). He has the same problem that everyone my age has: We're caught between being young enough to be a radical thinker with great ideas, but fearful of delivering them b/c the audience is mostly older than us and probably doesn't believe anything us young punks think or say.
He preached about Acts 8, where the church is dispersed from Jerusalem b/c of the persecution that breaks out after Stephen is stoned. Phillip goes to Samaria and people get saved. (Incidentally, I bet Phil was surprised. These were Samaritans after all... ;). One of those saved is Simon the Great. He's a local magician and these apostles who show up are showing power that blows the doors off his 'tricks'. When the Holy Spirit starts coming to people, as a result of John & Peter's prayers, Simon tries to buy the ability to share the Holy Spirit with others. Peter blasts him for it. But is a little soft in the end, giving Simon a chance to repent. Simon realizes what he's done and asks for them (John and Peter) to pray for him.
The preacher used this story as a launchpad to show us that we are lacking in passion for Christ which drives us to do/say foolish things like Simon did. Simon didn't have brokenness and recognition of personal sin, which led to his foolishness. Like Simon, when we see real power, we realize that we long for more than just weekly Sunday attendance and avoidance of 'big sins'.
I know that's the cry of my heart.
The preacher than said that people in any given church service can be categorized in 4 categories.
1) Unbelief - This is people who are in the service but don't actually believe that they are sinners, and that that sin separates them from a wrathful, righteously judging God, who through His mercy provided His Son as a sacrifice to satisfy his justice and provide a way for us to commune with him. (By the way if this is you, please come to Christ. Suffering God's punishment for eternity is going to suck worse than you know)
2) Belief without heart - People who believe in God but don't follow Jesus with their whole heart. Its funny how most of us who grew up in church, heard over and over that we needed to follow the rules, but really Jesus spends most of His time in the Gospels pursuing people's hearts. The preacher didn't say these people weren't Christians, but I don't know if they really are or not. Remember in James 2, James says that even the demons believe.
3) Denial - (this is where I float around in a lot) We do stuff like lead Bible study and attend church and think that that makes us passionate for God. Its based on our desire to be in control and safe. It shows up in our lives where we are confident in our 401k plans and our ability to raise our kids or love our wives. We often realize that "gee if I just stopped believing in God, my life would be pretty much the same, since He doesn't make me do anything crazy". ---- This is so me lately. I'm happy and safe in my home and with my wife and kids. All around me people are literally dying and loosing jobs and getting cancer. I tell myself I'll help them until their life gets too 'real' and then I retreat back to my shell. After all, "I don't want to get any on me, then I'd have to feel their pain too." It makes my life so much more boring. It makes my passion for Christ so much less b/c I don't need Him for anything. I don't feel my need of His help with situations that I have no control over, since I don't allow myself to be in those situations.
4) Passion - This is where I want to be. I want to give everything I do to God. I want my work to be not just earning a paycheck or an opportunity to move up the ladder. I want God to be honored with what I spend my time doing from 9 - 5. I want to be someone who cares more about the kingdom of God than shielding myself from pain.
Join me in being Passionate. Respond to the Glorious God who has saved you, with devotion and freedom to worship.
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