4Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.
Sometimes its a bit messy to include the help you need to be successful. I love the word picture this creates. I once had to muck out a horse-barn that hadn't been mucked all summer. It was a back-breaking, stinky, stifling, messy job. But we couldn't have enjoyed the summer to that point without the horses to carry us through the mountain trails. Same goes for my efforts now. Its hard work to involve other people in Ministry. I have to spend time with them, pray, and care for them. Be involved in their lives when they suffer trial and temptation. Yet the benefit is obvious: more people called to Christ through multiplying the hands that serve. Working with people can get messy. Heck even when I'm the source of the mess ;). But the gain to be had is worth it.
20The poor is hated even by his neighbor, But those who love the rich are many. 21He who despises his neighbor sins, But happy is he who is gracious to the poor.
Alright be honest, haven't you looked down a little on those less fortunate than you. I know I have. I know these verses are clearly discussing monetary wealth, but I can't help thinking of spiritual poverty in this context too. I know I often want to be with the spiritually mature instead of the immature. Its less work, and more interesting. I can feed off them and be lifted up, or at least that's what I try to convince myself of. Instead by withholding Christ from my spiritually impoverished neighbor, I show my hate of him. Look at Jesus, He came to Earth and surrounded Himself with the spiritually poor. He even lowered Himself to talk to wretched me. How can I expect to be happy/fulfilled without reaching out to those who don't know Him.
26In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, And his children will have refuge. 27The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, That one may avoid the snares of death.
It is good to have a fear of the Lord. The God of the Bible is a God of Justice. He will come again to punish those who rejected Him, and reward those who followed Him. Having a healthy fear of God, knowing what He is capable of, should drive us to avoiding His wrath. Death is a snare trying to trip up and capture us. Instead we can have strong confidence in knowing God and knowing what He is going to do. We can be confident that just as He will judge sinners, He will also forever protect His children.
If you doubt at all that God has brought you into His protection, through the atoning sacrifice of His Son, please I beg of you, recognize that your Sin is real. You are at War with God by pursuing your way through life. Call on Christ to be the perfect peace offering between you and God, and commit yourself to following Him.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Proverbs 13
4The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing,But the soul of the diligent is made fat.
I frequently see myself in the first part of this couplet, and only by God's grace do I occasionally find myself in the latter. My life is always moving in cycles. I'm currently at an upswing in productivity, this blog is a result, but just a few weeks ago I lazily craved more involvement with my mind, faith, and family and yet those desires didn't produce action. It wasn't until I was diligent that I got what I wanted. Its such a cultural lie that we all buy into, that kicking back to go the easy route is the way to gain. Look how many game shows and lotteries we have. I pray that I would stay on the second half of this verse and not cycle back to the first half.
13The one who despises the word will be in debt to it, But the one who fears the commandment will be rewarded. 14The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, To turn aside from the snares of death.
It seems so plain that if I would come to the wise word I would have the abundance that I seek. I would have a fountain that constantly replenishes itself rewarding me for obediently listening. I would avoid pain, even death if I would consult the teaching of the wise. To do these things I have to find where the wise is. I must read the Scriptures since they are glimpse of God's wisdom. I should pursue books, both contemporary and ancient, that describe the human condition and Christ's role of redemption. I must heed the warnings to break out of the cycle of laziness.
20He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.
My mother would often warn me that the company I kept would be a reflection of who I am. I know there were times in my life, even my dating life, where I thought I could bring change to someone just by hanging around with them and talking with them. That change rarely if ever happened. Usually because I was too busy trying to be liked by them to represent something different and worth emulating. Eventually their lifestyle and thoughts would rub off on me like those old ditto papers did in elementary school. Instead I need to obey this word and find wise company, from Godly men and women, both living and dead. I should listen to their ways and words to emulate them, as they emulate Christ.
I frequently see myself in the first part of this couplet, and only by God's grace do I occasionally find myself in the latter. My life is always moving in cycles. I'm currently at an upswing in productivity, this blog is a result, but just a few weeks ago I lazily craved more involvement with my mind, faith, and family and yet those desires didn't produce action. It wasn't until I was diligent that I got what I wanted. Its such a cultural lie that we all buy into, that kicking back to go the easy route is the way to gain. Look how many game shows and lotteries we have. I pray that I would stay on the second half of this verse and not cycle back to the first half.
13The one who despises the word will be in debt to it, But the one who fears the commandment will be rewarded. 14The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, To turn aside from the snares of death.
It seems so plain that if I would come to the wise word I would have the abundance that I seek. I would have a fountain that constantly replenishes itself rewarding me for obediently listening. I would avoid pain, even death if I would consult the teaching of the wise. To do these things I have to find where the wise is. I must read the Scriptures since they are glimpse of God's wisdom. I should pursue books, both contemporary and ancient, that describe the human condition and Christ's role of redemption. I must heed the warnings to break out of the cycle of laziness.
20He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.
My mother would often warn me that the company I kept would be a reflection of who I am. I know there were times in my life, even my dating life, where I thought I could bring change to someone just by hanging around with them and talking with them. That change rarely if ever happened. Usually because I was too busy trying to be liked by them to represent something different and worth emulating. Eventually their lifestyle and thoughts would rub off on me like those old ditto papers did in elementary school. Instead I need to obey this word and find wise company, from Godly men and women, both living and dead. I should listen to their ways and words to emulate them, as they emulate Christ.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A friend of mine died last week
I found out about it two days ago, and I've been pretty sad. I was sad partly because I dearly love my friend's parents. He was a cool guy, but I was and am much closer to them. They are strong believers and set an example for my wife and I of what a Godly marriage and family should look like.
I was sad because I didn't know whether my friend was a believer or not. How horrible it is to be a parent, who loves the Lord, and has worked hard for years to love and teach your children the Truth, and yet loose your child without knowing his eternal state. We went to the funeral today thinking that my friends parents were suffering under this despicable burden. I was even questioning God's goodness. Trying to understand why He would take such faithful people through this gutter of pain.
Praise God that their son was a believer, and they are confident in his eternal destination. My friend had been struggling for a while with depression and though its very sad to loose him, He's with his Maker now who has delivered him from this often painful earthly existence. I'm also thankful that I'm studying James 1 right now. I was crying out for wisdom to understand this trial, and the Lord provided it. The trial still hurts. My friend is gone, and I can't help feel a little responsible, maybe if I'd reached out a little more... But God has proven yet again that His word is trustworthy. He will provide wisdom to help us get through the trials.
One of the songs that was sang at the service was: "All my Tears" by Julie Miller. Its a mournful song, but the lyrics are hopeful. Once hearing the good news about my friend, I felt like the song communicated how I felt, and how I hope people will feel when I leave this current world.
I was sad because I didn't know whether my friend was a believer or not. How horrible it is to be a parent, who loves the Lord, and has worked hard for years to love and teach your children the Truth, and yet loose your child without knowing his eternal state. We went to the funeral today thinking that my friends parents were suffering under this despicable burden. I was even questioning God's goodness. Trying to understand why He would take such faithful people through this gutter of pain.
Praise God that their son was a believer, and they are confident in his eternal destination. My friend had been struggling for a while with depression and though its very sad to loose him, He's with his Maker now who has delivered him from this often painful earthly existence. I'm also thankful that I'm studying James 1 right now. I was crying out for wisdom to understand this trial, and the Lord provided it. The trial still hurts. My friend is gone, and I can't help feel a little responsible, maybe if I'd reached out a little more... But God has proven yet again that His word is trustworthy. He will provide wisdom to help us get through the trials.
One of the songs that was sang at the service was: "All my Tears" by Julie Miller. Its a mournful song, but the lyrics are hopeful. Once hearing the good news about my friend, I felt like the song communicated how I felt, and how I hope people will feel when I leave this current world.
When I go don't cry for me
In my fathers arms I'll be
The wounds this world left on my soul
Will all be healed and I'll be whole
Sun and moon will be replaced
With the light of Jesus' face
And I will not be ashamed
For my savior knows my name
It don't matter where you bury me
I'll be home and I'll be free
It don't matter where I lay
All my tears be washed away
Gold and silver blind the eye
Temporary riches lie
Come and eat from heaven's store
Come and drink and thirst no more
So weep not for me my friend
When my time below does end
For my life belongs to him
Who will raise the dead again
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What is the Wicket Gate?
The Wicket Gate is the entrance to the straight and narrow path that Christian follows on his way to the Celestial City in Bunyan's classic Pilgrim's Progress.
Christian knows he has a heavy burden of Sin and he doesn't exactly know how to get rid of it. He initially tries to come to Christ by way of Mt. Sinai and the Law. He also tries to climb the wall separating the City of Destruction from the land of the King, but its not until he passes through the Wicket Gate with the help of Good Will (aka Jesus) that he finds release from his heavy sin burden.
I hope this blog is a place where I can come to Jesus by His means and not by my own. That I may stay on the straight and narrow and eventually hear "...well done, my good and faithful servant..." from my Master and Lord.
Christian knows he has a heavy burden of Sin and he doesn't exactly know how to get rid of it. He initially tries to come to Christ by way of Mt. Sinai and the Law. He also tries to climb the wall separating the City of Destruction from the land of the King, but its not until he passes through the Wicket Gate with the help of Good Will (aka Jesus) that he finds release from his heavy sin burden.
I hope this blog is a place where I can come to Jesus by His means and not by my own. That I may stay on the straight and narrow and eventually hear "...well done, my good and faithful servant..." from my Master and Lord.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Proverbs 12
Some really great verses in this chapter. I mean I know the whole Bible is great verses. But this week these few really jumped out at me.
4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
It is so key to get the right wife. the imagery is so true too. The right woman you want to display so everyone can see her. A crown has different jewels, different facets that you want to show off. I want to show people the different things about my wife that are so great. A crown is the last thing you put on. It is the completing feature. The right woman completes a man. The wrong one rots you from within. She breaks down your infrastructure as she leads you astray, sapping the strength and stability that your bones should be providing.
15 The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
This verse really shouts at me, especially this week its calling to me to consider and follow. I know when I'm in a rut either spiritually, at work, or at home, that I'm convinced that I'm right. The wise man listens to advice. He first of all is in a position to hear it. I'm usually not. My ears are stuffed up with my own voice instead of someone else's. Or what about when I'm about to commit a sin, and I get that little reminder that it would be better not to do that thing. That's the Spirit providing wise advice. I should listen and avoid the trouble.
28 In the way of righteousness is life, And in its pathway there is no death.
In righteousness is life. Not death. This makes me think of Christ. His perfect righteousness eliminated death. Think of it. The very thing we mortals fear most. Destroyed eliminated by someone else's righteousness. Oh how this verse could condemn me if it was my righteousness. Praise God for His Son, that its He who earned it perfectly instead of me working myself to the bone to possibly have enough, and never attaining...
4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
It is so key to get the right wife. the imagery is so true too. The right woman you want to display so everyone can see her. A crown has different jewels, different facets that you want to show off. I want to show people the different things about my wife that are so great. A crown is the last thing you put on. It is the completing feature. The right woman completes a man. The wrong one rots you from within. She breaks down your infrastructure as she leads you astray, sapping the strength and stability that your bones should be providing.
15 The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
This verse really shouts at me, especially this week its calling to me to consider and follow. I know when I'm in a rut either spiritually, at work, or at home, that I'm convinced that I'm right. The wise man listens to advice. He first of all is in a position to hear it. I'm usually not. My ears are stuffed up with my own voice instead of someone else's. Or what about when I'm about to commit a sin, and I get that little reminder that it would be better not to do that thing. That's the Spirit providing wise advice. I should listen and avoid the trouble.
28 In the way of righteousness is life, And in its pathway there is no death.
In righteousness is life. Not death. This makes me think of Christ. His perfect righteousness eliminated death. Think of it. The very thing we mortals fear most. Destroyed eliminated by someone else's righteousness. Oh how this verse could condemn me if it was my righteousness. Praise God for His Son, that its He who earned it perfectly instead of me working myself to the bone to possibly have enough, and never attaining...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Proverbs 9
I want to think more. I think the best way for me to practice thinking more is to do some writing. I don't know for sure where to start writing. So for now I'm going to be posting my reflections on the scripture that I'm reading. At the moment, I'm reading through Proverbs with a friend of mine, so I'll pick up where I am with him in Proverbs 9.
Wisdom is personified as a woman calling out to those who don't know her.
"3..she calls From the tops of the heights of the city: 4 Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!" This verse is particularly eye-catching for me. I can really picture wisdom calling out, setting up a billboard on the top of a hill so that everyone can hear her messages. Actually if we read back a bit in the chapter to verse 1, we see that its more than just a flimsy billboard, she builds a house with seven columns. Usually anything with seven is associated with perfection. So she builds the perfect house designed to be eye-catching and attractive. She does it so that the whole city can hear her. She makes herself as available as she can so that everyone has a chance to hear and come to her. She sends out her maidens to draw citizens into her house. Citizens who don't know what they're missing. They're naive, they think they're OK but they're not. They don't realize what amazing things are available for them inside the house.
I think this passage is pretty clearly pointing to Christ. Just like wisdom, Christ has built a perfect house for us in heaven. Its a place full of provision that will fill us completely. He calls out to everyone that they would be saved. That they would be able to avoid the destruction that they're falling naively towards. He sends His servants out to draw those who are on the fringe into His presence.
Oh that I would hear Christ's call to His house.
Wisdom is personified as a woman calling out to those who don't know her.
"3..she calls From the tops of the heights of the city: 4 Whoever is naive, let him turn in here!" This verse is particularly eye-catching for me. I can really picture wisdom calling out, setting up a billboard on the top of a hill so that everyone can hear her messages. Actually if we read back a bit in the chapter to verse 1, we see that its more than just a flimsy billboard, she builds a house with seven columns. Usually anything with seven is associated with perfection. So she builds the perfect house designed to be eye-catching and attractive. She does it so that the whole city can hear her. She makes herself as available as she can so that everyone has a chance to hear and come to her. She sends out her maidens to draw citizens into her house. Citizens who don't know what they're missing. They're naive, they think they're OK but they're not. They don't realize what amazing things are available for them inside the house.
I think this passage is pretty clearly pointing to Christ. Just like wisdom, Christ has built a perfect house for us in heaven. Its a place full of provision that will fill us completely. He calls out to everyone that they would be saved. That they would be able to avoid the destruction that they're falling naively towards. He sends His servants out to draw those who are on the fringe into His presence.
Oh that I would hear Christ's call to His house.
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